Smart City


How can technology help make our cities better places to live in?

Extended Light­ing — Key to the Smart City
Smart Light­ing by Selux fol­lows the prin­ci­ple that rather than being an end in itself, tech­nol­ogy is closely con­nected to life and the needs, expec­ta­tions and poten­tial of human beings. The mod­u­lar design of our prod­ucts makes them per­fect for the inte­gra­tion of smart func­tions. Our pro­found tech­ni­cal under­stand­ing enables us to work with our cus­tomers, users and tech­nol­ogy part­ners to jointly develop solu­tions that are indi­vid­u­ally tai­lored to each par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion.

Through this strat­egy, Selux is making the smart city an aspi­ra­tional goal, a living space with a sus­tain­able qual­ity of life for every­one. Urban light­ing forms the log­i­cal basis for this since it already has in place a large number of instal­la­tion points with an elec­tric­ity supply. A smart lumi­naire from Selux, net­worked via the inter­net can on one hand be inte­grated into intel­li­gent con­trols that switch lights on, off or dim them as needed. On the other hand, it can pro­vide data via sen­sors: from how bright it is locally to the volume of traf­fic or the air qual­ity. And it can pro­vide infor­ma­tion to the local envi­ron­ment – via audio speak­ers, dis­plays or WiFi hotspots. The smart city thus inter­acts with its vis­i­tors and res­i­dents, it learns and col­lates knowl­edge to con­tin­u­ally adapt better to the lives that are lived there.

Impor­tant Smart City func­tions, that can be integrated in Selux lumi­naires:

Motion-con­trolled light­ing
The light­ing is con­trolled as required via motion sen­sors. Indi­vid­ual or mul­ti­ple light points change in bright­ness as people or objects move – the light tracks them.

Adap­tive light­ing
Intel­li­gent sen­sors allow the light­ing to adjust to dif­fer­ent weather con­di­tions. The dis­tri­b­u­tion of light from the lumi­naires changes accord­ing to whether the road sur­face is wet or dry.

Light man­age­ment
The lumi­naires are con­nected via an intel­li­gent com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­work. Indi­vid­ual or mul­ti­ple light points are con­trolled cen­trally, or locally via an app.

Envi­ron­men­tal data record­ing
Intel­li­gent sen­sors in the lumi­naires or on the pole mea­sure envi­ron­men­tal and weather para­me­ters in real-time.

Public infor­ma­tion sys­tems
Infor­ma­tion can be retrieved via com­po­nents such as but­tons or dis­plays inte­grated into the pole, includ­ing timeta­bles, audio clips for the blind and par­tially sighted or for use in adver­tis­ing.

Public safety module
Camera sys­tems, audio speak­ers and emer­gency call but­tons flex­i­bly inte­grated into the light pole improve safety in the urban space.

Public WiFi hotspots
Lumi­naires are equipped with WiFi com­po­nents to create public hotspots. Infor­ma­tion and ser­vices for pro­fes­sional and pri­vate use are pro­vided via broad­band inter­net.

Elec­tric vehi­cle charg­ing sta­tions
Charg­ing sta­tions installed at or in the lumi­naire pole allow elec­tric vehi­cles to be charged.

Traf­fic and park­ing space man­age­ment
Intel­li­gent sen­sors record the cur­rent traf­fic sit­u­a­tion and pro­vide real-time data for sus­tain­able trans­port opti­mi­sa­tion in cities.

We collected some of our favourite Smart City projects to showcase the various ways how communities can benefit from smart lighting technology

Jewish Museum


Public information system, Light management system, Modules for public safety



Public information system, Light management system, Modules for public safety

Smart City Bürstadt


Public information system, Light management system, Modules for public safety

Smart city street lighting


Public information system, Light management system, Modules for public safety

Campus Avril


Public information system, Light management system, Modules for public safety

Lif Smart City Lighting System


Public information system, Light management system, Modules for public safety

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